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UX Designer Ajith

Why you invest in UX?

Updated: Sep 18, 2021

Good UX always makes your user happy, gives an edge on competitors and it brings great ROI

As our environment grows increasingly complicated due to an influx of technology, the condition of design in the twenty-first century has been distinguished by the fast transition. Design becomes a strong differentiating feature when consumers have more options, and the purpose of the UX designer is to make products and services easier and more appealing to use.

Because recent decades of technological breakthroughs have transformed the way humans interact with one another and comprehend themselves, UX is extremely important in the field of technology. Whether it's a transportation system, online banking, or navigation, we engage with systems and digital gadgets on a regular basis.

It has influenced every part of our lives, including education, healthcare, lifestyle, transportation, and even how we arrange vacation and leisure; it has taken local news and distributed it worldwide.

While technology has provided numerous benefits, the intertwining of society and technology will have severe repercussions on our activity levels, how we interact with others, prospective jobs, and the hidden limits on thought and expression.

The very thing we hoped to accomplish with technology — freeing up more time and solving the mundane problems we used to solve manually — now takes more time and is being used against us as consumers of a plethora of sources that collect data, invade privacy, reduce sleep quantity/quality, and occupy endless hours with addictive qualities that our children are not protected from.

Instead of looking at technologies designed to assist humans in better navigating the environment, Douglas Rushkoff sees technologies designed to help companies better manage and manipulate human behaviour. That is not the fault of technology; rather, it is an issue of who and what we let to construct our apps, as well as whether or not we are ready to examine them from the standpoint of human need.

Looking back, Ken Garland published the First Things First Manifesto in 1963 to urge for a return to a humanist approach to design.

Anyone in a creative position in society has a special obligation to respect and contribute thoughtfully to the world they inhabit. Design's role in the future is to focus on the powerful force of design on bettering the planet; to attain sustainability for future generations; to employ ethical practises; and to inspire conscious consumption. It is a world in which people are prioritized over profit. In a world when thoughtlessness and mess are common, it brings joy and beauty.

People will continue to look for efficacy and solutions in the things they own and the services they use, and they will also seek to match their product decisions with their beliefs, according to experts. Because we live in a world with limited time and resources, design is important. We must make trade-offs rather than having an unending menu of possibilities. That's where design comes in, assisting customers in selecting the most effective and user-friendly solution.

Design affects every part of our lives when we look out into the world. From the items, we use on a daily basis to the services we purchase, to the structures that make up the skylines of the cities we call home, to the systems that control how we learn and evolve. It also has a strong advertising presence, promoting items that may or may not be advantageous. Allowing additional bad physical consequences or inconvenient systems to arise as a result of poor design or a thoughtless designer.

Our user experience strategy should be a mix of science, technology, art, and ethics. Design is the differentiating aspect that generates meaning in this day and age of information overload, plenty of data, and an overwhelming amount of choices.

And as Charles Eames said everything, including people, ideas, and stuff, eventually links. The quality of the connections is the most important factor in overall quality.

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